
    Seasoned Male Half-Marid


    Few things are more inspiring than the sight of Shirris charging into combat. While others may lead through fear or the promises of wealth, Shirris inspires those around him through acts of heroics and loyalty.


    Cavaliers who join the order of the eel believe communication and negotiation are the true paths to greatness and success for all. They seek out new individuals to befriend, offer their services as guides or mercenaries, and negotiate the terms of mutually beneficial arrangements. Locathah eel riders were the founders of the order of the eel, but other aquatic races have since joined.

    EDICTS: The cavalier must greet all strangers with an open mind and show a willingness to cooperate with others. The cavalier must never turn down the opportunity to forge alliances or strike bargains, so long as the terms of such agreements remain fair. The cavalier must punish those who have reneged on bargains struck with the cavalier or others of his order.

    CHALLENGE: As a limited action, the cavalier grants his allies a +2 bonus on Fighting rolls against the target of his challenge until the end of the round.

    ORDER ABILITY (Rally Allies): Once per encounter as a limited free action, the cavalier inspires a diverse groups of allies against their common enemies, to add a bonus to damage rolls for one round, The bonus is equal to the number of distinct races in the ally group, including the cavalier’s race, up to twice cavalier's rank current rank, e.g. Seasoned is a +4 damage maximum.

    Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
    Skills: Athletics d8, Battle d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Riding d6, Stealth d4, Survival d6
    Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
    Hindrances: Code of Honor, Loyal, Short Sighted (minor)
    Edges: Arcane Resistance, Banner, Born in the Saddle, Cavalier (Order of the Eel), Command
    Armor: Pearl steel breastplate (Armor 4)
    Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Masterwork Lance (Range Melee, Damage Str+d8, AP 3, Reach 2), Trident (Damaging, Keen) (Range Melee, Damage Str+d6+1, AP 2, Reach 1)
    Gear: Sea Horse, giant
    Languages: Aquan, Celestial, Merfolk
    Current Wealth: 300gp

    Special Abilities

    • Aquatic (Racial): Native to the water. Cannot drown in oxygenated liquid and moves at full Pace when swimming
    • Attribute Increase (Racial) - Strength: During character creation, the species increases a particular attribute (Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, or Vigor) one die type. This increases the Trait’s maximum by one as well.
    • Edge (Racial) - Arcane Resistance: All members of this race have the same innate Edge chosen from those available in the setting. Unlike Adaptable, this ability ignores Requirements except other Edges. Each Rank beyond Novice costs an additional point to a maximum of Heroic Rank (5).
    • Environmental Weakness (Fire) (Racial): The race suffers a –4 penalty to resist a particular environmental effect, such as heat, cold, etc. If the being suffers an attack based on that form, the penalty acts as a bonus to damage.
    • Low Light Vision (Racial): The being ignores penalties for Dim or Dark lighting (but not Pitch Darkness).
    • Languages Known: Aquan, Celestial, Merfolk


    Novice Advances
    • Edge: Command
    • Edge: Born in the Saddle
    • Raise Skills: Common Knowledge/Athletics
    Seasoned Advances
    • Edge: Banner

    Current Load: 36 (61)
    Books In Use: Pathfinder Core Book, Pathfinder Advanced Players Guide, Pathfinder Companion
    Setting Rules: Multiple Languages
    Setting Modlines: +1 Edge
    Validity: Character appears valid and optimal
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